Friday, October 16, 2015

War In My Mind? Why I Choose This Lens - Elias Acosta Mendoza

The psychoanalytic lens is more interesting to me because it is the one that goes deep into the character's mind and motives for their actions. Since every character has their own struggles then it is interesting to see what is going on in their mind. Also since this is literature, then the author is giving us the characters thoughts directly. I have never had previous experiences with critical lens but I know that this particular lens can be applied to works like Macbeth, and Antigone. Since both are works of tragedy then there is always some form of an ethical dilemma and by looking at the motives for the actions then we can fully understand why they would do something that was considered crazy. In the case of Antigone there is a clash of doing the right or wrong thing and we as the audience through characterization and soliloquies can see the mind of the person playing out the thought process. She defies the law for a proper burial and in exchange is exiled to a cave where she hangs herself. By doing such an act, she is able to cause a chain of events that ultimately lead up to Creon’s downfall. I was also thinking about the racial and cultural lens but I really liked the psychoanalytical because it goes more into depth on the subject. I am hoping to get a deeper understanding of the book from looking through this lens and hopefully find myself really engaged in the book.

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